Interviews 1- Felix,17 years old-
Question 1- How do you feel about the care of the dead in the society we live in?
Question 2- How does your family go about the care of the dead when someone passed way in your family?
Question3-Do you think religion has a huge affect on the way a dead body gets taken care of?
Response1- I feel that you have to put them in caskets and bury them in cemeteries.
Response 2- In my family since we are not serious we just follow the procedures of a normal funeral and burial.
Response 3- When it comes to religion it can alter the way the body gets taken care of because certain religions believe that if the body is buried a certain way or taken care of a certain way the person would be better off with their god and have more of a connection with their religion in their afterlife.
Interview 2- Travis,16 years old
Question 1- Do you feel that religion is a cover up used for hope to make people believe that when they die they will actually be brought back to life by their god?
Question 2- Why do you think people spend so much money on funerals?
Question 3- Do you think funerals are set up depict the emotions that you will feel when that person dies?
Response 1- I come from religious back ground and my family believes that when you die your body passes on but your soul lives for ever.
Response 2- The reason people spend so much money on funerals is because they want to show to the people that come to the funeral and family members that they care for this person a lot so by spending thousands of dollars on them even though they dead it's all out of respect.
Response 3- In a funeral the emotions are like a roller coaster you feel sad because the person is gone but at the same time your convincing your self that the person is in a better place so you can feel better then you due.
Interview 3-Jamal,18 years old
Question 1- What does R.I.P mean to you?
Question 2- When you die how do you want to be taken care of ?
Question 3-do you feel that it is necessary to have a expensive funeral when you die?
Response 1- It means Rest in Peace it's self explanatory, you want that person you know that they are in a better place and now they can rest with no worries.
Response 2- I want a regular funeral nothing fancy
Response 3- There is no reason to have an expensive funeral because i'm dead I won't even be able to see it or enjoy it.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Homework 46
I have already had two experiences with the care of the dead and how to go about it in a respectful manner to show appreciation and courtesy.The first experience was with my grandmother when she passed away my father went out on a limb to make sure everything was perfect for her funeral. I remember speaking to my mother and father about the casket and what casket would be right for my grandmother and even though I feel that she deserves a nice casket to lie in they spent a lot of money on something that is just going to stay in the ground forever. When I went to the funeral I noticed that my grandmother looked very pale and white when i asked my mother she said that they got a makeup artist for her so that she would very pretty for the open casket.
What I have been taught was to always have respect for the dead and that at a funeral you have to feel sad for the person even though you might not know them well because that shows respect towards the family that lost their loved one. The social norm of our society when you care for the dead is to make sure they have a proper casket and a nice place to be buried in. I also know about the body of someone that is dead has to be embalmed before they are buried to preserve the body. The question I have towards that is why would the body have to be preserved if the person is dead and once their buried no one will see them again?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Home work 44 Comments on students projects
Javon's project_Javon great project I noticed that you investigated the statistics of abortions in America and in different countries. You also went into depth explaining how women feel about abortions, and also gave your explanation on what being a mother means to you and how that is such a responsible role to take on.
I particularly valued the research you did on abortions the statistics I really think that gave your project a lot of substance and made it more interesting to read because you had factual evidence.
The main reason why this project mattered to me was because while having a conversation with Javon he explained to me what he was doing for his project and from the jump I was interested because he was actually going to interview a women that had an abortion.
Constructive Criticism: I feel that you should go more into depth with the questions you asked the person in the interview.
Stephen's project-Stephen very interesting project I realized that you focused on the pros and cons of Home births and hospital births, and you also focused on the C-Section rate in America and also the whole concept behind the OB/GYN.
I feel that when you went into depth with the advantages and disadvantages of home births, birthing centers, and hospital births was the most interesting part for me and I valued you that the most.
The main reason why I wanted to read your project is because when you did your elevator speech you had so much energy and a great introduction for your speech and it made me want to see what your project had to offer.
Amhara's project-I really likes your project because it was different from the rest of the students in the class. You were planning out a procedure to follow so when your mother decided to have another kid everything would be natural and the best for your mother.
I really valued your overall goal that you wanted to achieve in your project because you were applying what you learned from class,the movie, and the book to help out someone out in your family that you care for.
The reason your project mattered to me was because it was different the fact that you had a video that people could watch to see the work that you did for your project.
I particularly valued the research you did on abortions the statistics I really think that gave your project a lot of substance and made it more interesting to read because you had factual evidence.
The main reason why this project mattered to me was because while having a conversation with Javon he explained to me what he was doing for his project and from the jump I was interested because he was actually going to interview a women that had an abortion.
Constructive Criticism: I feel that you should go more into depth with the questions you asked the person in the interview.
Stephen's project-Stephen very interesting project I realized that you focused on the pros and cons of Home births and hospital births, and you also focused on the C-Section rate in America and also the whole concept behind the OB/GYN.
I feel that when you went into depth with the advantages and disadvantages of home births, birthing centers, and hospital births was the most interesting part for me and I valued you that the most.
The main reason why I wanted to read your project is because when you did your elevator speech you had so much energy and a great introduction for your speech and it made me want to see what your project had to offer.
Amhara's project-I really likes your project because it was different from the rest of the students in the class. You were planning out a procedure to follow so when your mother decided to have another kid everything would be natural and the best for your mother.
I really valued your overall goal that you wanted to achieve in your project because you were applying what you learned from class,the movie, and the book to help out someone out in your family that you care for.
The reason your project mattered to me was because it was different the fact that you had a video that people could watch to see the work that you did for your project.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Homework 42 Pregnancy Project
Interview with my aunt about her home birth versus her birth at the hospital
Question 1: What made you decide to get a home birth in the first place?
Response: The main reason why i decided to have a home birth is because it is a tradition in my family that has been done for many years. Another aspect that help me decide on having a home birth than a hospital birth is that when my mother had me it was through a home birth. I really wanted to have a natural birth I really wanted to feel connected to my body and my newborn child. I feel that "technological intervention should not be apart of any birth.
Question 2: Did you have a Mid wife and what was that experience like?
Response: Lucky enough for me one of my closest friends worked at a birthing center and was a midwife there so when I finally made my decision on having a home birth I knew exactly who i was going to ask to assist me through the process. What made the experience for me such a good one is because i knew who i was dealing with and the personality of the person and that they were going to do their best to make sure my birth was a good one. The feeling of having someone watching 24 hours made me feel more safe because any time I had a question and wasn't sure of something I could always go to her and she always had a answer for me which made me feel better and better as the birth went on.
Question 3: Even though you were having a home birth were there any times you felt like you should go to the hospital?
Response: There was actually one time during my pregnancy where I was having extremely painful contractions and I remember telling my mid wife and my husband that I need pain medication and I want to go to the hospital, but as the day went on the contractions went down and i came back to my senses and decided that I wasn't going to the hospital no matter what and I fully trust Janet(mid wife) and what she is doing.
Question 4: Did any of your family or friends criticize your decision to have a mid wife?
Response: There was a big difference between my family and my friends opinions. Mostly everyone in my family supported me in my decision especially my mother, since she had a home birth with me she felt that it was only right for me follow in her footsteps. The contrast with my friends was that they felt the hospital was the normal thing to do and that I was crazy for even considering having a home birth.
Question 5: Even though for your first child you had a home birth for your second child what made you decide to have the birth in the hospital?
Response: I wanted to be able to experience both sides of the birth, so that I wouldn't be bias towards one side. I feel that having a home birth and the hospital birth was one of the most powerful moments in my life I was able to compare and contrast the two and really analyze the process of Birth.
Question 5: How was it when you had the hospital birth?
Response: To me it seemed very fast the way the doctors and nurses moved and how they rushed me to the ER. I feel that with the home birth things are slow and calm while on the hand the hospital was fast and frantic. Since I was so use to being in the comfort of my home when I gave birth when I had my child in the hospital I didn't feel that sense of comfort and relaxation. I realized that my mid wife took it really slow and ask me how what i was thinking about and what was going through my head and how I felt about the process, but in the hospital to me it seemed like they didn't care about my feelings they just wanted to get the baby out and call it a day.
Question 6: Did anything happen in the hospital that you where against?
Response: There was actually a time were the doctors were talking about an emergency C-Section, but once they said that automatically refused to have that and their response was that it wasn't a guarantee it was just in case.
Question 7: How did they deal with the contractions and pain and how was that different from your home birth?
Response: They gave me an epidural which cut the pain in half and it made me feel way better then when I came in. What was different was that you felt way more pain in the home birth and there nothing you can do about but deal with it and push that baby out.
Question 8 : Did you feel that same connection with your baby at the hospital that you felt when you gave birth at home?
Response: I feel that your always going to have that connection with your baby because it yours and it was inside of you for 9 months, it's just the surroundings that changed I was use to being at home with my mid wife and husband not tons of doctors and nurses.
Overall thoughts and opinions?
Response: Deep in my heart I feel that all women should have home births because it's definitely a once in life time experiance, that changed my life. but i also feel that there is nothing wrong with a hospital Birth and if you feel more comfortable at the hospital instead of home then you should have your birth at the hospital.
My Summary: I feel that by learning about home births and hospital births and watching the movie and doing interviews really help me understand pregnancy more and what aspect go into the birthing process. Even though I learned a lot about both sides am still not bias towards any of the two because I believe that both have their pros and cons. From my knowledge the birth of a child is life changing and the experiance even though is painful there is so much that you can get and learn from a home birth. I feel that when read Ina May's book The Guide to Child Birth she really help me get a clear understanding on how home births work and how natural births help woman connect to their bodies and baby's. One of the most powerful quotes in the book was on pg. 133 "Western medicine assumes a total separation between mind and body. Thoughts and feelings are considered the irrelevant to physical welfare. When something goes wrong with the body, our culture teaches that pharmaceutical medicines or surgery will be necessary" What makes that quote so powerful and significant to me is because it doesn't just connect to birth it connects to all aspects of the body that any time our bodies are sick or not functioning right doctors are quick to through unnecessary medication towards instead of letting our bodies heal natural and it's all just a way to keep money running though our country and another way to make something that is pure an industrial nightmarish atrocity. Even though home births to me seems like the right thing to do there is evidence and statistics that back up hospitals as well. "Approximately 1 in 200 us women deliver at home, accounting for approximately 25,000 deliveries annually. An estimated 75% of low risk singleton home births appear to be planned home deliveries. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist does not support home birth, citing safety concerns and the lack of rigorous scientific study"(Joseph R. Wax MD;F Lee Lucas, PhD, Maternal and newborn outcomes in planned home birth vs planned hospital births: a metanalysis) i also feel that there are very important things that can be done at a hospital that a doctor can do that a mid wife can't and certain procedures that the doctors have planned out for certain problems that go on during a birth. Even though I have learned so much from the whole birth unit i feel that there is more information that could be discovered to deepen my knowledge of pregnancy and birth.
Question 1: What made you decide to get a home birth in the first place?
Response: The main reason why i decided to have a home birth is because it is a tradition in my family that has been done for many years. Another aspect that help me decide on having a home birth than a hospital birth is that when my mother had me it was through a home birth. I really wanted to have a natural birth I really wanted to feel connected to my body and my newborn child. I feel that "technological intervention should not be apart of any birth.
Question 2: Did you have a Mid wife and what was that experience like?
Response: Lucky enough for me one of my closest friends worked at a birthing center and was a midwife there so when I finally made my decision on having a home birth I knew exactly who i was going to ask to assist me through the process. What made the experience for me such a good one is because i knew who i was dealing with and the personality of the person and that they were going to do their best to make sure my birth was a good one. The feeling of having someone watching 24 hours made me feel more safe because any time I had a question and wasn't sure of something I could always go to her and she always had a answer for me which made me feel better and better as the birth went on.
Question 3: Even though you were having a home birth were there any times you felt like you should go to the hospital?
Response: There was actually one time during my pregnancy where I was having extremely painful contractions and I remember telling my mid wife and my husband that I need pain medication and I want to go to the hospital, but as the day went on the contractions went down and i came back to my senses and decided that I wasn't going to the hospital no matter what and I fully trust Janet(mid wife) and what she is doing.
Question 4: Did any of your family or friends criticize your decision to have a mid wife?
Response: There was a big difference between my family and my friends opinions. Mostly everyone in my family supported me in my decision especially my mother, since she had a home birth with me she felt that it was only right for me follow in her footsteps. The contrast with my friends was that they felt the hospital was the normal thing to do and that I was crazy for even considering having a home birth.
Question 5: Even though for your first child you had a home birth for your second child what made you decide to have the birth in the hospital?
Response: I wanted to be able to experience both sides of the birth, so that I wouldn't be bias towards one side. I feel that having a home birth and the hospital birth was one of the most powerful moments in my life I was able to compare and contrast the two and really analyze the process of Birth.
Question 5: How was it when you had the hospital birth?
Response: To me it seemed very fast the way the doctors and nurses moved and how they rushed me to the ER. I feel that with the home birth things are slow and calm while on the hand the hospital was fast and frantic. Since I was so use to being in the comfort of my home when I gave birth when I had my child in the hospital I didn't feel that sense of comfort and relaxation. I realized that my mid wife took it really slow and ask me how what i was thinking about and what was going through my head and how I felt about the process, but in the hospital to me it seemed like they didn't care about my feelings they just wanted to get the baby out and call it a day.
Question 6: Did anything happen in the hospital that you where against?
Response: There was actually a time were the doctors were talking about an emergency C-Section, but once they said that automatically refused to have that and their response was that it wasn't a guarantee it was just in case.
Question 7: How did they deal with the contractions and pain and how was that different from your home birth?
Response: They gave me an epidural which cut the pain in half and it made me feel way better then when I came in. What was different was that you felt way more pain in the home birth and there nothing you can do about but deal with it and push that baby out.
Question 8 : Did you feel that same connection with your baby at the hospital that you felt when you gave birth at home?
Response: I feel that your always going to have that connection with your baby because it yours and it was inside of you for 9 months, it's just the surroundings that changed I was use to being at home with my mid wife and husband not tons of doctors and nurses.
Overall thoughts and opinions?
Response: Deep in my heart I feel that all women should have home births because it's definitely a once in life time experiance, that changed my life. but i also feel that there is nothing wrong with a hospital Birth and if you feel more comfortable at the hospital instead of home then you should have your birth at the hospital.
My Summary: I feel that by learning about home births and hospital births and watching the movie and doing interviews really help me understand pregnancy more and what aspect go into the birthing process. Even though I learned a lot about both sides am still not bias towards any of the two because I believe that both have their pros and cons. From my knowledge the birth of a child is life changing and the experiance even though is painful there is so much that you can get and learn from a home birth. I feel that when read Ina May's book The Guide to Child Birth she really help me get a clear understanding on how home births work and how natural births help woman connect to their bodies and baby's. One of the most powerful quotes in the book was on pg. 133 "Western medicine assumes a total separation between mind and body. Thoughts and feelings are considered the irrelevant to physical welfare. When something goes wrong with the body, our culture teaches that pharmaceutical medicines or surgery will be necessary" What makes that quote so powerful and significant to me is because it doesn't just connect to birth it connects to all aspects of the body that any time our bodies are sick or not functioning right doctors are quick to through unnecessary medication towards instead of letting our bodies heal natural and it's all just a way to keep money running though our country and another way to make something that is pure an industrial nightmarish atrocity. Even though home births to me seems like the right thing to do there is evidence and statistics that back up hospitals as well. "Approximately 1 in 200 us women deliver at home, accounting for approximately 25,000 deliveries annually. An estimated 75% of low risk singleton home births appear to be planned home deliveries. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist does not support home birth, citing safety concerns and the lack of rigorous scientific study"(Joseph R. Wax MD;F Lee Lucas, PhD, Maternal and newborn outcomes in planned home birth vs planned hospital births: a metanalysis) i also feel that there are very important things that can be done at a hospital that a doctor can do that a mid wife can't and certain procedures that the doctors have planned out for certain problems that go on during a birth. Even though I have learned so much from the whole birth unit i feel that there is more information that could be discovered to deepen my knowledge of pregnancy and birth.
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