Friday, April 29, 2011

Homework 47

Interviews 1- Felix,17 years old-
Question 1- How do you feel about the care of the dead in the society we live in?
Question 2- How does your family go about the care of the dead when someone passed way in your family?
Question3-Do you think religion has a huge affect on the way a dead body gets taken care of?
Response1- I feel that you have to put them in caskets and bury them in cemeteries.
Response 2- In my family since we are not serious we just follow the procedures of a normal funeral and burial.
Response 3- When it comes to religion it can alter the way the body gets taken care of because certain religions believe that if the body is buried a certain way or taken care of a certain way the person would be better off with their god and have more of a connection with their religion in their afterlife.

Interview 2- Travis,16 years old
Question 1- Do you feel that religion is a cover up used for hope to make people believe that when they die they will actually be brought back to life by their god?
Question 2- Why do you think people spend so much money on funerals?
Question 3- Do you think funerals are set up depict the emotions that you will feel when that person dies?
Response 1- I come from religious back ground and my family believes that when you die your body passes on but your soul lives for ever.
Response 2- The reason people spend so much money on funerals is because they want to show to the people that come to the funeral and family members that they care for this person a lot so by spending thousands of dollars on them even though they dead it's all out of respect.
Response 3- In a funeral the emotions are like a roller coaster you feel sad because the person is gone but at the same time your convincing your self that the person is in a better place so you can feel better then you due.

Interview 3-Jamal,18 years old
Question 1- What does R.I.P mean to you?
Question 2- When you die how do you want to be taken care of ?
Question 3-do you feel that it is necessary to have a expensive funeral when you die?
Response 1- It means Rest in Peace it's self explanatory, you want that person you know that they are in a better place and now they can rest with no worries.
Response 2- I want a regular funeral nothing fancy
Response 3- There is no reason to have an expensive funeral because i'm dead I won't even be able to see  it or enjoy it.

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