Culminating project 55
I feel that death is a sensitive topic to talk about no matter who you are talking with. Death in out society is looked at as a nightmare something that we want to flush away and put behind us when it appears. But at the same time what makes death such a unique experience is the care of the dead and what a person wants done personally to their body when they die. Since every one has their own way they want to be taken care of when they die i interviewed three people that are very close to me and asked them all the same question to see what would be their response to each question and how could I compare and contrast each answer.
Interview with cousin:
What does death mean to you?
Death is a process where the soul leaves the body and the body is left to decompose into the earth, when you die you leave the ones you love and care for to move on to a better place .
Are you a person who fears death or do you accept it for what it is and just know that one day your time will come.
Of course i fear death if i didn't I would not be human. It's in human nature to fear the day that you are going to die and perish from the earth, but I also feel that I can't let it affect me I have to keep living my life and enjoying my time on earth until that day comes.
When you die what do you want people to remember you for?
I want people to remember me for having a good time and making people happy. I would like people to know that no matter what it was i gave my all to it and I enjoyed living.
When you die what do want to happen to your body?
To be honest I never thought about it I feel that im to young to think about that stuff and plus it is extremely depressing to think about. I feel that I would like to be cremated and kept inside a close family members home.
At your funeral how do you want people feel?
I really don't want people to be crying and all sad what would make me happy even though I'm dead is if people celebrated and had a good time, I know it's weird to say but I feel that people would get over my death easier that way.
Interview with Uncle Dean:
What does death mean to you?
Death is the end of life. It is and inevitable faith something that we will all face sooner or later.
Are you a person who fears death or do you accept it for what it is and just know that one day your time will come.
I really do fear death, what makes me fear death is the fact that I have kids and me dying before I get to see them grow up and graduate from school and get married really torments me. It's something that is deep inside of me it isn't a visible fear you would have to ask me to know the answer.
When you die what do you want people to remember you for?
I want people to remember me for someone that would give their all for their kids, and just a good hearted person.
When you die what do want to happen to your body?
When I die I just want an old fashion funeral and burial nothing fancy very traditional, but I would like to be buried in Jamaica because that is where i was born and that's where I grew up. I feel that is would be the right thing to do deep inside my heart.
At your funeral how do you want people feel?
I feel that is a question I can not answer because every body is different and different people will grieve with my death in their own ways.
Interview with mother:
What does death mean to you?
Death represents the end of a life no matter if it was a short one or long one. I feel that people live lives knowing one day they will die so they use that as motivation to succeed and to get the most done while they can.
Are you a person who fears death or do you accept it for what it is and just know that one day your time will come?
I do fear death put I make sure it doesn’t affect the way I live my life on a day to bases. As I get older I feel that it is something I find my self-thinking about a lot, but I feel that it is only human to do that.
When you die what do you want people to remember you for?
I want to be remembered as a caring mother and great friend and someone loved to live their life to the fullest.
When you die what do want to happen to your body?
I want to have a normal funeral and burial but even though I saying this now I guarantee that it will change later because this has been something I have discussed before with family members and friends and I see my self changing it around depending on the mood im in.
How do you want people to feel at your funeral?
I want people to be sad and morn the fact that I am gone but I don’t want my death to ruin people’s lives I would feel better if people could still live their life’s in peace and happiness even though I am not around.
I feel that doing these interviews really gave me a new perspective on death and how to look at in a very content and peaceful way instead of it being a nightmare to think of. When you are able to see where others that you care for are coming from on a topic that is very sensitive it can really alter your thinking and change what you thought was right or wrong. After doing these two interviews it really made me think of how I would cope with the death of a family member especially my mother, coming into this project I thought it would be a piece of cake to do the interview but it really made me sad and upset thinking about the day my mother would die and how my family would go about conducting the funeral. I feel that I am stronger now because I was actually able to sit and talk to her about such a sad and sensitive topic and get some useful information about how my mother feels about death and what it means to her. This project help me get a deeper understanding of death and the death care industry and with all of the facts and evidenced I have learned I will be able to spread the word and share some of my intelligence.
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